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This past Saturday at CrossFit Fidi I ran the first Bar Path NY olympic weightlifting competition.  I wasn't sure what to expect in throwing this first meet and how the athletes would react. To be perfectly honest they exceeded my expectations.  Most of the athletes who competed participated in the 5 week training camp prior to the meet.  On the last day of camp we had a mock meet in prep for the actual meet a week later.  That night the lifts were a little shaky, guys were over thinking lifts, not hitting weights they were capable, and they just seemed tight.  On game day it was a completely different story.  They looked confident, in control, and eager to attack the bar.  For some athletes it was like watching two completely different lifters from week to week.  It was such an electric environment to lift in, you could feel the energy and the athletes really pulling for one another.  Below is a video of each athletes highlight lifts, I may be a little too hyped, so mind my commentary.