Transform Your Body With tflofitness

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TFloFitness Getting Comfortable With The Uncomfortable

I have been training in NYC for over a year now and have bounced the idea of starting a website and blog for probably 6 months now.  I have always had a bit of unease and discomfort with starting a website, the usual thoughts: "everyone else has one, how will I be able to filter through the BS?  I don't want to be the person who is on social media consistently chronicling every part of their day."  You know those normal thoughts.  But the more I look at it and the more I continue to listen and absorb books, podcasts, documentaries, if you are authentic, genuine, and true to who you are you will rise above the rest of the crap.  Gary Vaynerchuk, one of the most well known entrepreneurs and investors in the U.S. is constantly praising self awareness, so I'm hoping in this pursuit, my true voice will come through.  In CrossFit there is a common theme one taken from the military of getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.  Within workouts I can achieve this, but in life, meh, not so much.  So starting TFloFitness, is a step in the direction of getting after that uncomfortable.

With that being said, the life of a personal trainer/crossFit coach leaves a pretty unpredictable schedule.  Some weeks you are swamped burning the candles at both ends, and other times find yourself with an abundance of free time feeling guilty having nothing to do.  Many of my days begin startled by the alarm clock at four in the morning, throwing some coffee in a contigo on the go mug, snagging a cliff bar, hopping on the subway to go and coach morning CrossFit group sessions.  Morning classes usually finish up around 9am or 10am, and at that point I will either have personal training clients or train myself, to fill out the rest of the day.  As well as getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, the purpose of starting TFloFitness is starting to bring value to that "free time".  How can I bring value to each hour of the day, I think as a coach you are always battling these limbo hours and I no longer want to kill time.  Why would I want to kill our most precious commodity?  

Being a coach is not only my job but my identity, which is rare in professions, but something I love.  Every day I aim to help every one of my member and clients to move better, feel better, perform better.  With commuting and downtime I am normally consuming media which also share similar initiatives, podcasts such as: The Tim Ferris Show, Freakonomics Radio, Barbell Shrugged, Revisionist History, AskGaryVeeShow, James Altucher Show, Invisibilia, The Way I Heard It.  At the surface some of these may seem to have nothing to do with health and wellness, but in reality are filled with bits of information which can completely change our mindset to go after that uncomfortable, to embrace the unknown.  To become more self aware, to not only improve the physical but also the mental.  As I continue down this road I will share those golden nuggets I learn that I think can have real impact and change in your life, because I have implemented it within my own.  Tim Ferris considers himself a human guinea pig, now I don't think I'm quite at his level but I aim to carve out my own path.  So thank you for joining me in my journey into the uncomfortable.  
