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3️⃣ Ways To Increase The Impact Of Body Weight Movements 👊

The most common way I've seen to make body weight movements "harder" is to increase reps.  Hundreds of squats, lunges, push ups, and sit ups.  Increasing volume is a way to stimulate change within the body, but when going to that place over and over again it increases the chance of injury.  

Here are three ways to add a more challenging stimulus on the muscles when doing body weight exercises

**added bonus is that it allows you to slow things down and practice form for better longevity

1️⃣ Slowing Down Tempo

Try this out squat down at a 3 second count and stand up at a 3 second count.  

But don't lock the hips all the way out and don't lose tension in the bottom position.  

The goal is to keep the legs working the entire time.  

Flex your quads, brace your core, focus on your glutes in the bottom position, think about your feet grounding you into the floor, and create as much tension as possible.  

2️⃣ Adding 1/4 Reps 

Adding a quarter rep allows you to work on weaker positions. 

Normally within the squat the bottom and the mid part of the movement are most challenging.  

Try squatting down, coming up a quarter of the way and going back down, then standing all the way up.  

Creating the same tension and really focusing on the glutes to bring you out of the bottom position. 

3️⃣ Elevator Reps

Try this out squat down and pause at parallel, pause below parallel, and pause at the top.  

Slowing down and maintaining form in the three main parts of the movement will have a big impact on technique and moving better.  

You will feel how each part of the movement impacts your body differently.  

All three of these variations will help add a novel stimulus to your workout and increase results! Want more in depth feedback and explanation? Click here to set up an initial consultation and discuss your fitness goals.