My Top 5️⃣ Areas To Explore For Weight Loss
Before diving into this list, let’s get our mindset right first and connect WHY you want to lose weight?
Is it because carrying extra weight is hurting your joints, the extra weight is signaling to yourself as unhealthy and you are worried what it will mean traveling down this path, is it to look better and improve your confidence?
Dive into your why and then look at the lowest hanging fruit that is keeping you to be at that weight, these 5 are a great place to start
1️⃣ Movement
Do you move every day, what’s your daily average step count, do you have an exercise practice?
2️⃣ Nutrition
Do you consistently eat processed foods, how much sugar are you having? How many alcoholic beverages are you having per week
3️⃣ Sleep
How many hours of sleep are you getting per night? Do you consistently wake up at night?
4️⃣ Water
How much water do you drink a day? Are you close to half your body weight in ounces?
5️⃣ Relationships/Stress
What are your closest relationships like? Are there toxic people in your life? How is your job pushing you into unhealthy relationships? Do you build in any quiet time to disconnect? What does your breathing look like?
When it comes to weight loss choose one thing to work on. Look in each of these 5 patterns and see where you can get the most bang for your buck.
We Dive Into How To Improve These 5 Areas And More In My 12 Week Transformation Program Click Here To Set Up A Free Fitness Consultation!